Mudras To Relieve Anxiety

Hey guys, I'm a big beliver of mudras while meditating or taking a break, even if your mind is not up for meditation, a quite little time and a few mudras can do a whole of things for your own good. I think one of the mayor problems I have is my anxiety, everything gives me anxiety so I found this cool mudras and tips to use them and thought to share them with you guys. Hope you enjoy!
Mudras, or hand gestures, are directly linked to our body’s subtle energy field. Notice the effect on your energy body as you press your pinky fingers together. Now try each successive finger, left to right. Notice anything? Our fingers contain thousands of nerve endings which affect our brain, that we can feel in our body. Simple and easy-to-do, mudras have a subtle, distinctive effect on lifting or calming our mood. Here are a few simple gestures that help calm the body, easing anxiety.

Bhu Mudra – Gesture of the Earth
Fold pinky and ring fingers toward the palms of your hands, placing thumbs on top.
Extend middle and index fingers straight out into a “V” shape.
Touch the tips of these fingers firmly to the earth, out to the sides of the body so your arms form a triangular mountain.

Helps relieve anxiety and cultivates a sense of stability in both body and mind. Facilitates being grounded and being in your body, as well as promoting optimal spinal alignment. In addition, this gesture reduces blood pressure.
For best results, use with an affirming mudra. Try:
“Feeling the earth’s stability, I now move confidently along my life’s journey.”

Garuda Mudra – Gesture of the Eagle

Place your L arm in front of R arm, hands crossed in front of your chest.

Brings a sense of freedom in flight, wide open space, nowhere to get stuck.
Balances both sides of the body and opens the back of the heart.
Very helpful to elevate the mood and soothe the heart.
For best results, use with an affirming mudra. Try:
“I am comforted in knowing the entire universe supports me.”

Pala Mudra – Gesture of the Alms Bowl

Cup the hands and place the L hand with the palm upward, four finger-widths below the navel.
Place R hand with palm downward at the level of the naval, just above the L hand, gently touching the abdomen.

Especially helpful for relieving anxiety, releasing stress and muscular tension, as well as reducing blood pressure.
For best results, use with an affirming mudra. Try:
“At peace within my inner being, I experience a greater sense of security”

Thanks to Dawn 'Devi' Hamilton from The Inspired Empath, a awesome place for a empath to find guidance and tools; for this incredible information!


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