Holiday Survival Tools

So I been surfing the web and bump into some cool and useful blog post, web articles, etc. I learned that what happened to me on Thanksgiving was something normal in empath, I was reading Empaths and Holidays by Jan, and she explains how holidays can be roller-coaster for empaths, and she gives a few pointers on how to make them better.

I got to say I think I will be well prepared for the upcoming holidays. I don't want to be the bitchy-moody empath Jen talks about in Holiday Survival Skills For Empaths, & if your having the same problem you should totally read that post.

In a quick review there are just some easy tips you should follow so you can cope with the holidays by being an empath. If you are new in this like me, I recommend you do as I'm going to do now... LoL... Research and read, try to learn all you can. I will give you some light description and a easy technique to do so that I have found on the web. But remember everyone is different so you should find the best way for you to accomplish each one.

  1. Keep yourself grounded.  Staying grounded is among the most difficult things for an empath to master. Grounding is the fundamental tool used by empaths to balance their emotional being. There are many ways to ground yourself, but the most useful for an empath is to feel all the negative unwanted emotions leave them through their feet into the ground. One way to do this is to visualize a light entering through your crown charka and following all the way down through your feet. Imagine it flowing like rain into the ground to be absorbed by the earth.
  2. Shield yourself. It always good to find a way to block other people energies. Me however know a few techniques to shield, since I was studying for Massage Therapist, but honest true they never had help me much. So I'm gonna try this one, When you are ever alone in a totally silent environment, you can still hear some sound in your ears. Once you have that sound clearly in mind, then you will know what you will be looking for. When you feel yourself getting overloaded, take a few seconds and intentionally try to listen for the sound. It takes a little practice, but after a few days you will be able to do it as needed, so you got to practice.
  3. Wear a protective piece of jewelry or carry around a protective crystal/stone. I did both, and have to say it seems to be helping. If you don't know what crystal/stone will be better for you check my Crystals & Stones for Empaths post. It will really help you to have something you can touch and play with it to relax, plus the crystals/stones will do their part.
  4. Find time for yourself. Even if it means escaping your family’s holiday party/dinner for 15 minutes, make sure you get away. Get outside and go for a brisk walk. Go into a quiet room (if you can find one) and listen to music. Whatever you do, make sure you make time for yourself. Even if it means to stay a little longer than usual in the bathroom. Remember that us as empaths always need a time alone to recharged and expelled whatever got pass your shield.
  5. Remember to BREATH. I know it sounds stupid but this my personal opinion, every time I feel like I'm losing myself a good breathing exercise helps to calm and focus myself. One should normally breathe in through the nose and out through the mouth. When breathing in through the nose, the mouth should be closed, and the tongue should touch the roof of the mouth. If the tongue rests against the very front of the roof of the mouth (touching the teeth), this will have a calming effect. If the tongue is curled back so that it touches the soft palate, this will have a stimulating effect. Once you've trained yourself to breathe in through the nose and out through the mouth without having to direct it consciously, you will notice that breathing in through the mouth and out through the nose has a sedative effect.

Want to know my first experience using these tips? Go to Funerals Sucks


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