Funerals sucks!!!

Hey guys, today I was on my great-uncle funeral and it SUCKED!!!

Normally I try to not go to stuff like that because I always get sick, always thought it was the smell of funeral houses, but today it was a very important person in my life to not go. So I got myself prepare, since I was looking for some info on tips for empaths to survive holidays, I took today as an opportunity to practice the tips I found, and planned to share with you guys; that way I can give you the truth about if they work or not.

Mudras To Relieve Anxiety

Hey guys, I'm a big beliver of mudras while meditating or taking a break, even if your mind is not up for meditation, a quite little time and a few mudras can do a whole of things for your own good. I think one of the mayor problems I have is my anxiety, everything gives me anxiety so I found this cool mudras and tips to use them and thought to share them with you guys. Hope you enjoy!

Holiday Survival Tools

So I been surfing the web and bump into some cool and useful blog post, web articles, etc. I learned that what happened to me on Thanksgiving was something normal in empath, I was reading Empaths and Holidays by Jan, and she explains how holidays can be roller-coaster for empaths, and she gives a few pointers on how to make them better.

I got to say I think I will be well prepared for the upcoming holidays. I don't want to be the bitchy-moody empath Jen talks about in Holiday Survival Skills For Empaths, & if your having the same problem you should totally read that post.

Crystals & Stones for Empaths

Hello dear friends;

Today I'm gonna talk like my mom, LoL. My mom is a true believer of crystals & stones powers for healing, protection, and much more. So when I first learn that I might be an empath my mom and I got to work to find some to help me with this journey. And you will be amaze how many I found. I'm gonna share all the info I found, and really believe me they help a lot.

Holiday Crisis

Hey, so I've been gone for a couple of days. But I'm here now. So I have to talk to someone about my Thanksgiving Dinner, which it was with my boyfriend 90+ family members. I have to say everybody was nice to me, but I was feeling extremely nauseous. I even thought I was food poisoned or something. Every handshake, kiss, hug, etc. made me want to puke, but I didn't even thought about empathy being the problem, since I didn't feel like they were attacking me, or that I was mad or something bad.

How to recognize an Empath.

So today, I took the big step of talking to my best friend from my whole life, that I was really thinking I was an Empath. She is not as open minded in the spiritual part like I am. So it was a little bit of a challenged for me to see how to make her see my point with out thinking I was a lunatic. She knows how much I have struggle in my life with "my mood swings" and how I hate not being able to control it. So I was looking on the web for something that a friend, a family member or you partner could read and get to his/her own conclusions. Something that her, with the knowledge of how I am and how I behave in every mood possible, could analyze and understand my point of view. She hasn't read it yet, and keeps telling me that if I think I'm not bipolar anymore that I should talk to a doctor about what I think I have. & let them tell me if its possible or not. But anyway, she told me she plans to read them tomorrow, so I will let you guys know, if my friend thinks I'm a lunatic, or if she believes I'M A EMPATH!

Are you an Empath?

I know, is not a question one will come up out of nowhere. Again I have my religious beliefs & the talk with my cousin. But if you have the doubt I recommend you take a few test. They are not set in stone, but they might help you bring some light into your situation. They help me a big deal of it. So here I share with you a couple of test a stumble with on the web. I recommend you to surf on the websites that host the tests, they are quite helpful.


My name is Sade, but people call me Sha. I'm a 24 years old Massage Therapist. I love to read, write, paint & draw. I'm a information junkie (& have another blog with my crazy best friend of useless things we find here & there Nothing Is True... Everything Is Permitted). I'm a solitary Wicca.

But here is my true & confusing story...

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